If you work on something for a long time, tunnel vision is a natural result. This is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing wrong with it. What helps is working in a team, preferably a diverse one. But even a team sometimes gets stuck. Then the ideas ‘run out’. You spin in ever-shrinking circles like a leashed dog around a tree. How to ‘unleash’ yourself, your inventiveness and your creativity?
To successfully improve, change and accelerate as a team or as an organization, you have to constantly zoom out. To break new ground. That is quite difficult. But you can get help with this. And obtain the right mindset. ‘Breaking loose’ from an impasse starts with acknowledging that you are stuck. ‘Help, we are stuck!’ Ask a fresh pair of eyes to peer over your shoulders.
For over twenty-five years I have helped teams and organizations that got stuck in product innovation, cooperation with each other and the client, the challenges of shrinkage or growth and in the management of the organization. I do this from extensive experience with storytelling, design thinking, the Lean and Agile way of working, marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship, among other things.
What’s between you and your next step?
Gerjon Zomer
Design thinking | storytelling | Lean & Agile | Marcom | Innovation
+31 – 6 113 87 133
‘Gerjon’s LSD inspires, connects and broadens the mind’
What I missed in the abundance of management philosophies, theories and frameworks is an overarching vision of innovation in today’s complex world. An holistic mindset that connects the What, Why and How. And above all, an answer to the question why some teams and organizations start flying, while others just don’t get off the ground. Since I could not find a ready-made answer, I decided to take a year-long ‘leave of absence’ off and start studying. My goal was to write an airily and applicable book that I would like to read myself. I ended up with three volumes.
You can order the complete trilogy here.
I am convinced that three basic qualities are required to deal with the increasing complexity of our work and the VUCA world in which we live. I’ve translated my view in the ‘LSD mindset’, that helps to…
- … use the connecting power of storytelling to inspire yourself and others (including users/customers) and to continue to see the ‘unifying’ goal.
- … learn the principles of design thinking to understand the user’s wishes in the complex world and to translate those into valuable solutions.
- … experiment with, and work on, resilience & autonomy, in response to the existing systems and processes that are no longer sufficient.
The only vital ingredient to succeed is curiosity at all levels of the organization.
The LSD mindset is theoretically substantiated and above all practical. There are plenty of inspiring books, but the the challenge is to get started in your specific situation and context. For this purpose, a number of hands-on workshops have been developed and are provided by our team of LSD coaches.
I believe in ‘thinking with your hands’ and ‘learning by creating’. I also believe in the adage ‘knowledge is power, but sharing connects’. The complete toolkit can therefore be used free of charge and without restriction. In addition to information about LSD mindset, the books and the workshops we therefore offer an extensive online toolkit. Or rather: a treasure chest full of work instructions, templates, all kinds of work forms, exercises, useful tips and smart tricks.
We wish you a good trip
Tip : facilitator? Use the online LSD toolkit !